Friday, December 27, 2019

Reasons why many hotels don't accept local id's

From time immemorial, young couples from a nation like ours have faced the permanent problem of not being able to spend quality time with each other in public places. Married or single, the moral police are always there to catch these couples and cast a demeaning look on innocent couples who seek to spend peaceful moments of love and care in the company of each other. The circumstances are worse if you are an unmarried couple. Not only glares and uncomfortable looks, you can also invite the anger of people, authorities or even the police who may have the audacity to evict you from the place.


To avoid being taken together in public places, some couples wish to book a hotel stay together and spend time in the company of each other simply because they believe that safety and esteem are something they don't have to worry about in a closed hotel room. Unfortunately, however, things are no different when couples want to spend time in a hotel room. Most hotels do not accept local identifiers. Thus, all these couples wearing local identifiers end up not obtaining the desired hotel room. In addition, being a local couple creates a first impression that they are not married. Few people are aware that there is no law authorizing hotel authorities to prohibit local couples from spending time with each other inside the walls of a hotel room.

If we ever asked ourselves, “Can you book a hotel for a few hours?”, A few years ago, the answer would have been a very obvious “NO”! But with changing times, the hotel industry has evolved by leaps and bounds and hotel bookings by the hour is now possible for couples. Hourly hotels, however, are still a bit concerned when it comes to allowing the hotel to stay a couple of hours for couples with local credentials. Why let's see the reasons.

1. It may damage their reputation

Hotels believe that couples carrying local ids are mostly unmarried couples. Though hotel stay for a few hours may seem like a perfect, safe and secure romantic weekend idea for couples, you are in trouble if you are an unmarried couple with a local id. Most hotels for couples may consider their reputation to be at stake and fear losing their esteemed clientele if they allocate rooms for unmarried couples. Culture and ethics is considered harmed by renting out rooms to unmarried local couples. Even if the hotel’s policy allows, the moral policing by the society create a hurdle in providing occupancy for local couples or unmarried couples. Hotels constantly fear the involvement of law and order clauses and the police thereby declining accommodation to unmarried couples.

Booking a hotel room may be a plain sail for married couples but if you are unmarried couple with local id you attract high chances of being turned down, sadly.

2. Many Hotels prefer to provide rooms to travelers

A local brand or a major player, each hotel would like to give its rooms to travelers and tourists who visit them from other cities, states and countries. The strategy is simple! Hotels do not want to fill the space with local customers and instead allocate rooms to customers from other cities and countries. Rejecting esteemed guests who have traveled far will have a negative impact on the hotel's reputation. As a result, hotels end up denying rooms to local couples. The space is rather used for couples who travel far to find opportunities for romance and quiet vacations.

If you are a local couple looking for an impressive hotel room and have already faced such an unfortunate situation, the above reasons may have answered all of your questions why hotels do not allow local couples to book rooms.

However, with the advent of new policies that hotels are adopting, there seems to be room to alleviate these difficult situations for couples. Not only the already existing players in the hotel industry, there has been a boom in the number of startups in the hotel industry. Local couples will also find comfort in a comfortable and luxurious hotel room, away from the uncomfortable and humiliating looks of the public. Little by little, the hotels and the couples both seem to bid farewell to the drama of the moral police. The two entities are in a win-win situation here. A secure and welcoming atmosphere of a hotel room for local couples to spend a few moments of camaraderie while occupying rooms ensuring monetary benefits for hotels. It would be a good deal. Rejoice dear couples! The good times are here!

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